Signed copies of the updated OUTLANDISH COMPANION

If you're thinking of ordering (or have already pre-ordered) an autographed copy of the updated version of the OUTLANDISH COMPANION Volume One (due out March 31, 2015) from the Poisoned Pen bookstore in Arizona, here is something you need to be aware of.

Diana Gabaldon will be out of the country on the day this book is published. When she returns home in early April, she will sign copies of the new book at the Poisoned Pen. However:
I'll _just_ sign them, rather than inscribe names and messages. Both in the interests of time and volume (it takes more than four times as long to do inscriptions as it does to do signatures), but principally because I'll be hosting an event for Susanna Kearsley's A DESPERATE FORTUNE on April 6th.

So if you are looking for a personalized inscription ("To xxxxx, Hope you enjoy your trip to Scotland!", etc.) in your copy of the new OUTLANDISH COMPANION Volume One (Revised and Updated Edition), unfortunately that won't be possible right away. You can, however, still get a signed copy of the book. (Look here for ordering information.) If you have questions about this, please contact the Poisoned Pen.

For more information about the updated and revised OUTLANDISH COMPANION Volume One, see my OUTLANDISH COMPANION FAQ page.


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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.