Results of the February poll

Here are the results of the February poll, which asked the question, "How did you discover the OUTLANDER books?"
  • 28.01% - A friend or family member recommended the books to me.
  • 23.74% - I started reading the books as a result of watching, or hearing about, the OUTLANDER TV series.
  • 19.94% - I stumbled across them while browsing in a bookstore or library.
  • 7.98% - A friend or family member gave me a copy of OUTLANDER, saying, "Read this, you'll love it!"
  • 2.85% - Someone on Facebook, Goodreads, or another online site recommended them.
  • 2.33% - I read a review in a newspaper, magazine, or online.
  • 2.29% - I found the audiobooks before reading the print version.
  • 2.11% - I found a used copy at a garage sale, second-hand bookstore, etc.
  • 1.68% - A librarian or bookstore employee recommended them.
  • 1.55% - Doubleday Book Club or other book-of-the-month club.
  • 0.60% - Someone at my book club mentioned them.
  • 6.91% - Other
There were 2317 responses to this month's poll. Thanks very much to everyone who participated! I was fascinated to see how many people found the OUTLANDER books as a result of watching, or hearing about, the TV series.

I didn't vote in the poll myself, but I found OUTLANDER entirely by accident, browsing in Barnes & Noble in 2006. You can see my story here if you're interested.

Please take a moment to vote in the March poll, which is all about what you're doing to survive #Droughtlander (as many fans call the long wait before the TV series resumes in April). Thanks!


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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.