Results of the January poll
- 39.28% - Murtagh
- 20.80% - Dougal
- 10.24% - Rupert
- 6.20% - Black Jack Randall
- 5.13% - Angus
- 4.18% - Frank Randall
- 3.98% - Mrs. Fitzgibbons
- 3.26% - Ned Gowan
- 2.91% - Geillis Duncan
- 0.78% - Colum
- 0.09% - Laoghaire
- 1.93% - I haven't seen the OUTLANDER TV series.
- 1.21% - Other
- Can't pick just one! They are all great
- no cable, buying dvd- like Dougal
- Jenny
- jenny
- Roger
- All of them.
- Angus & Rupert
- wee Roger
- Jennie
- Love them all
- Roger
- Frank and BJR
- I like a lot of them!
- Little Roger
- All are great, too hard to choose!
- Rupert and Angus.
- Mrs. Graham, The Druid Seer
- All of them together make the show so great!
- This was a difficult one, how can I choose?! But then again, Murtagh...
- hats
- Rupert & Angus in their scenes together
- Willie
- Dougal first, then Muragh, third Frank Randall
- Rupert and Angus
- Too many to pick! I pick wee Roger-scene stealer!
- I canna choose from this embarrassment of riches!
- All of the above!
- Not 1- Rupert/Angus team for comic relief, Black Jack/Frank for drama.
- all verra verra bonnie
- Willie
- they ALL do a bang up job!
- All of them! This is so well cast, I can't choose just one.
- Rupert and Angus TOGETHER--comedy gold!
- The comedy team of Rupert and Angus
- Hugh Monroe
- Rupert and Angus should be together!
- can't choose between Murtagh and Dougal.
- Black Jack functions as a lead character for the story, so I can not get by him
- All of them. The actors are doing a fabulous job.
- jenny
- Jenny

I was really surprised that Murtagh took an early and commanding lead. I've never been much of a fan of Murtagh in the books; although he's a much more likeable character in the TV series, he's still not my favorite. But obviously there are a LOT of Duncan Lacroix fans out there! <g>
I didn't vote in this poll, but I think I would have chosen Dougal. I love watching him.
Please take a moment to vote in the February poll, which is all about how you found the OUTLANDER books.