STARZ to show 1st scene of EP109 on Saturday

STARZ will be showing the first scene of Episode 109 on Saturday, Jan. 24, at 9pm!

I'm really ambivalent about this, personally. I might watch with the sound off, as I've done for several of the recent trailers, but I really would much rather experience the whole episode all at once in April. But that's just my own personal preference. What about the rest of you?


  1. I completely agree, Karen. For me, the drip and dribble of first looks, previews, and still photos, just dilute the overall experience of the season. I learned that the hard way last season. I realize that STARZ needs to keep the viewers interested but as an "old fan" I'll be watching regardless of the teasers.
  2. Is it more of Starz trying to boost Black Sails' appeal by piggy-backing on Outlander's popularity?

    The true fans will tune in April 4, regardless of teasers. Personally, I don't mind seeing clips here and there. I am always happy to see Jamie. :)
  3. Can't wait to see this on UK TV!
  4. So glad that others are tiring of these dribs and drabs of scenes and whatnot. If Starz wants to make us all wait for the second half of the season than just do so, and stop previewing it too death. Manipulative! As is the issuing of the first HALF of season on DVD (not that I won't be buying it, of course!). But ... it's not like an "Outlander" lure is going to get me to watch "Black Sails." Those pirates might be put to better use in "Voyager," don't you think?

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