September poll results

Here are the results of the September poll: "Have you ever been to Scotland?"
  • 39.26% - No, but I'd love to visit there some day!
  • 20.48% - I visited Scotland long before I knew Diana Gabaldon's books existed.
  • 9.06% - I visited Scotland after I discovered the OUTLANDER books.
  • 8.91% - Yes, I've been there more than once.
  • 5.28% - I'm making plans to visit this year or next year.
  • 4.51% - No, I can't afford it.
  • 4.17% - No, but I'd like to see some of the locations shown in the OUTLANDER TV series.
  • 2.85% - I've lived in Scotland all or part of my life.
  • 1.43% - I'd like to visit, but I can't travel due to age or health reasons.
  • 0.54% - I went on an OUTLANDER-themed tour of Scotland.
  • 0.27% - No, I like reading about Scotland or seeing it on TV, but I don't have any desire to go there myself.
  • 0.08% - No, it's too far away.
  • 3.16% - Other
There were 2593 responses to this poll, which is a new record! Thanks very much to everyone who participated.

I didn't vote in the poll myself, but I visited Scotland in 2012 on the Celtic Journeys OUTLANDER Tour. You can see my blog posts about that trip here.

Please take a moment to vote in the October poll, which asks the question, "Which episode of the OUTLANDER TV series is your favorite so far?" Thanks!


  1. I visited Scotland in 2003. Spent 3 weeks, 2 driving on the wrong side of the road. Visited particularly many of the Stone Circles all the way to Orkney. My grandmother's name was McBride. I love the Scottish Highlands and love watching the entire series.

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.