Diana Gabaldon signs book deal for 9th OUTLANDER book!

Exciting news in today's (October 3) New York Times: Diana Gabaldon has signed a book deal for Book 9 of the OUTLANDER series!
Ms. Gabaldon recently signed a multimillion-dollar book deal for the ninth novel in the series, with Ballantine Bantam Dell. Ms. Gabaldon’s literary agent, Russell Galen, said he waited more than a year to negotiate her new contract so that he could leverage the increased interest from the TV show. Mr. Galen wouldn’t disclose the exact amount of the deal, but said that the novel sold for more than $6 million -- more than twice the amount Ms. Gabaldon received for Book 8, in 2010.
Congratulations, Diana!!

Please keep in mind that Diana has just barely started working on Book 9, and it takes her at least three or four years to write one of the Big Books.  It will most likely be 2018 or 2019 before we see Book 9 in print.  In the meantime, there's always time for another re-read of the series. <g>

(I created the image above about two years ago on keepcalmandcarryon.com. If you're on Pinterest, you can see the pin here.)


  1. Well thank heavens. 'Cuz when I finished MOBY it seemed like she left a lot of strings all neatly tied up. So I was worried that was it.
  2. Thank goodness! I have nearly finished Written in my own hearts blood, I wouldn't have known what to do with myself if there wasn't another on the horizon to look forward to
  3. addiction would be too small a word, read them all 3 0r 4 times. watch one the the episodes at least 1 a night. I find myself talking in Jaimies accent.. Ah don't fash yourself! LOL..I know I will never a man like that. Needs to grow his hair out though, the queque will be next...gives me goosebumps...
  4. She's a great writer but i think for the money she earned for book 8, a few years is too long to make her fans wait for book 9.
  5. texasMoon~yoli, writing is an art form and artists don't just pound it out on command! The amount of money makes no difference in the length of time it takes to write one! As you know, these are all looong books and I don't think that 3-4 years is an unreasonable amount of time for the length and quality of her offerings. I for one am ecstatic that she's writing a new Outlander book at all! I'll try not to fash about the wait
  6. I'm in my seventies so anything can happen. Can you step on it a little! Sally
  7. I anxiously await the next book. I can not imagine Diana did not already have an idea of the outline already stewing in her computer. I can wait as she fills in all the nuance, but the Jamie itch is really bad...LOL.
  8. I just finished reading book 8 today after pretty much reading for three months straight and now I feel bereft! I miss the whole alternate world I've been living inl The good news is, I waited to start the series until this year so I was fortunate enough to be able to read all 8 books in a row with no breaks. But now we all have to wait a few years for Book 9 and that's gonna hurt a wee bit. I miss Jaime, Ian and Claire the most. Oh, and RIP Rollo...
  9. Just finished the last book. I'm in love with the characters.
  10. From the beginning of the TV series I bought 'Outlander' in horrible tiny print. Found the rest in larger print at Costco and have read them all now. Before I mostly read non-fiction but I am so involved with these characters I'm wondering if Diana Gabaldon has cast a spell on all of us.
    I am almost 83 but obviously not dead yet..need to see Voyager done after this next season. That book would take 24 episodes to do it justice.
    Am reading "The Scottish Prisoner" and have the Outlandish Companion to keep me going. The characters involved are simply put--fascinating. I couldn't write one book like this in 200 yrs so guess we just have to wait--impatiently.
  11. I so agree with you... if this is how it's going to be then I hope in the next book they Clair and Jamie doe in it... waiting 4 to 5 years for a book is rediculous....
  12. I think waiting 4 to 5 years for another book installment is rediculous.... love the books but don't see why we have to wait do long... I think it's time to kill them off....
  13. I so agree with you... if this is how it's going to be then I hope in the next book they Clair and Jamie doe in it... waiting 4 to 5 years for a book is rediculous....
  14. I am totally obsesses with Jamie and Claire. The fiery passion they have for each other is what fantasies are made of. I have watched season 1 twice and i am on the last book now. I hope that in real life they are a couple because I have never seen chemistry like that in my life and I am 60 years old. I have told friends about the series and they are as addicted as I was. Love the show and love the books.
  15. Keep in mind she has been writing the series since 1991 (or maybe 1990, not sure). And there is a TREMENDOUS amount of research needed to write her amazing and very length and involved books. So maybe everyone can calm down. Or just stop reading the series I'd it is a problem for you.

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