OUTLANDER podcasts now on iTunes!

I just found out that Ron Moore's OUTLANDER podcasts are now on iTunes:


This appears to be the permanent iTunes site for all of the STARZ OUTLANDER podcasts. You can download and listen to the podcasts for Episode 101 ("Sassenach") and Episode 102 ("Castle Leoch"). The podcast for Episode 103 is not yet available for everyone; I'm told some people can access it on iTunes, but I haven't been able to do so yet.

Please help spread the word to anyone you know who may be interested. Thanks!


  1. They are available on iTunes in Canada.
  2. Actually, the podcast for 103 is available but you must download the My Podcasts App first. I got 103 yesterday afternoon. The App has a purple background with a white microphone looking icon.
  3. episode 3 is there... I subscribed to the podcast in iTunes and it just automatically downloaded... it's not listed on the site, but when i opened it in iTunes, and subscribes... Voila... lol
  4. What? Lisa could you explain more?
  5. Dear Karen,

    Works also in Finland.
  6. Thanks, Anonymous Fabienne! Worked for me.
  7. Its available to me and I am in Malaysia
  8. I'm planning on waiting until I purchase the DVDs to listen to Ron's podcasts. It leaves me something concrete to look forward to (especially during the planned hiatus). This worked out well for me back in Battlestar Galactica days. :-)
  9. Boo, no episode 4 podcast :(
  10. Found podcast #4: http://assets.starz.com/stzcom/outlander/podcast104.mp3

    It's not on Itunes, from what I can see.
  11. You are a jewel! Thank you so much for your links to Ron Moore's pod casts. I listened to the first episode from your site the other night and was looking forward to Episode 2. I spent a good part of today on and off looking for it without success. Thanks again for putting me out of my misery! I really enjoy your synopsis of the episodes. We are very lucky to have your efforts that enhance our enjoyment of Outlander!

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