REPOST: "1776", The Musical

Wishing all of you in the U.S. a very happy Fourth of July!
As I do every year, I'm taking this opportunity to put in a plug for my favorite Revolutionary War movie: "1776", which is a musical about the drafting of the Declaration of Independence.
If you've never seen "1776", I highly recommend it. It came out in 1972 (based on the Broadway musical of the same name) and I think I've seen it almost every year since I was nine or so. That tradition continues to this day; my family always watches it on DVD every July 4th, and we will do so again this year.
Diana Gabaldon likes it, too; I've heard her describe it as "hilarious, moving, and very singable". I asked her specifically about the costumes, because I'm fascinated by the details of the 18th century clothing in this movie, and she said they're pretty accurate.
Here are a couple of my favorite songs from the movie:
1) "The Egg" - Franklin, Adams, and Jefferson choose America's national bird.
2) "Sit Down, John" - This is the movie's opening number.
You can get "1776" via Amazon. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!