OUTLANDER World Premiere at SDCC!

To those of you who are going to San Diego to attend Friday's OUTLANDER world premiere at SDCC: have a wonderful time, and the rest of us will be with you in spirit! <g>

In the meantime, here's a new photo that Diana Gabaldon posted on her Facebook page.

I love this! Sam Heughan really IS JAMMF! <g>
A Highlander in full regalia is an impressive sight--any Highlander, no matter how old, ill-favored, or crabbed in appearance. A tall, straight-bodied, and by no means ill-favored young Highlander at close range is breath-taking.

(From OUTLANDER by Diana Gabaldon, chapter 14, "A Marriage Takes Place". Copyright© 1991 by Diana Gabaldon. All rights reserved.)
[UPDATE 7/27/2014 7:07 pm: Here's Diana Gabaldon's reaction to the premiere, from her Facebook page.]


  1. Gerard Butler cameo as Jamie's Father for the fence flash backs etc No one Better for the part
  2. For those not lucky enough to be at the SFCC premiere, if you have DISH Network, Outlander Episode 1 will air on channel 102 on Saturday, August 2 at 5:00 PM Eastern, a full week before it airs on Starz. This will probably have graphics or a crawl on the screen occasionally promoting Starz, but if that doesn't bother you, enjoy it a week early!

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.