ABC's of the OUTLANDER TV Series
A for the Anticipation among OUTLANDER fans all over the world, and the immensely talented Actors who are bringing the TV series to life.
B for Breathtakingly Beautiful views of the Scottish Highlands. I'm sure the scenery will be magnificent!

C for Caitriona Balfe (she's going to be wonderful as Claire!), and also for the Casting, which has been superb!
D for Diana Gabaldon, for creating this amazing story in the first place. Diana's enthusiastic support of the project from the very beginning has helped immensely to reassure the fans that it's being done with the highest possible quality.
E for the hundreds of Extras involved in the filming.
F for Frank Randall, who will be getting a bigger role in the TV series than he had in the book.
G for Graham McTavish and Gary Lewis, aka the Brothers MacKenzie (I still think it's amazing that they cast a pair of actors who actually look like they could be brothers!), and for the Gaidhlig used on the show.
H for Heughan's Heughligans and all the other fan sites that have sprung up online in the last year or so, helping to spread the word and generate enthusiasm for the TV series among OUTLANDER fans around the world.
I for International. The OUTLANDER fan community really is an international one. Let's hope that the TV series is shown in as many different countries as possible!
J for James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser, of course!
K for Kilts, and the rest of the 18th-century costumes used on the show.
L for Lallybroch. More than just the place where Jamie grew up, Lallybroch is critical to understanding who Jamie is and what motivates him, and I can't wait to see it on screen!
M for the Music. I'm looking forward to hearing Bear McCreary's score for the TV series.
N for all the Newcomers, people who are just now discovering OUTLANDER for the first time as a result of the TV series.
O for OUTLANDER fans everywhere who have been waiting for this for so many years!
P for the Props -- everything from 18th-century dirks and broadswords to the candles in the wall sconces at Castle Leoch -- that will make us believe that we're really in the 18th century.
Q for the million Questions the fans have been asking since the moment the TV series was first announced.
R for Ronald D. Moore, executive producer and "show-runner" of the OUTLANDER TV series. As he said in June 2013, "Put simply, our goal is to realize Outlander, not reinvent it."

S for Sam Heughan. We really could not have asked for a better choice to play Jamie, and he seems to be taking his newfound fame with good humor so far.
T for Tobias Menzies (I really can't wait to see him in BOTH his roles on the show!), and for the immensely successful fan-based Twitter campaigns, like #WorldwideTVNeedsOUTLANDER.
U for Unexpected. I really never imagined that they'd make a full-length TV series out of OUTLANDER, let alone with such high quality.
V for all the Videos (trailers, interviews, "How to Speak Outlander" lessons, etc.) that we've been seeing in recent months.
W for the Writers, who had the very difficult job of adapting Diana Gabaldon's words for the medium of TV while keeping most of the Good Stuff intact.
X for eXtremely eXcited fans, and the production team's eXtraordinary attention to detail, which is eXceeding our eXpectations. <g>
Y for the many Years that we hope this TV series will continue to run. <crossing fingers>
Z for Zero. The probability that this show will not be a success!
For more information about the OUTLANDER TV series, see my FAQ page here.
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