Taking a break from the FFF

As I mentioned last week, I will be taking a break from the Friday Fun Facts for a few months.
Between the publication of WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD (only four days away now!) and the TV series premiere on August 9, I'm going to be extremely busy trying to manage the discussions on Compuserve, and I just won't have the time to do the research that the FFF requires.
However, I do intend to post occasional "Best of the FFF" collections, as I've done in the past. (You can see the previous collections here.)
I'm not necessarily stopping for good; I'm sure that the new book will provide lots of entertaining bits that would make good FFF topics, and eventually, when things calm down online, maybe I'll do a post or two focusing on MOHB. But for now, I really need a break from it.
In the meantime, if you are looking for your weekly FFF fix, here's the list of previous Friday Fun Facts posts, organized in three different ways:
Thanks very much to all of you for your support and encouragement over the past 28 months! It's immensely gratifying to me to see how much everyone (including Diana Gabaldon) enjoys my Friday Fun Facts.