One more week!

Just one more week until the publication of Diana Gabaldon's WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD!
The long, long wait is almost over!
I have been busy in recent days with final preparations for the MOHB discussions on the Compuserve Books and Writers Community (where I'm Section Leader of the Diana Gabaldon folder). I plan to open up discussion of the new book on Compuserve on Saturday, June 7, so that people who will be attending the Fan Retreat in Seattle (and getting early copies of the book) can begin posting their reactions right away if they want to. Managing those discussions over the next few weeks will be a full-time job in itself <g>, so I'm trying to rest up as much as I can in the next few days, before the deluge begins.
What are your plans for release day? (I will be taking the day off, because I'll be far too distracted to concentrate on work.) How many of you will be up at midnight on June 10 to download the e-book? <g>