Worldwide TV needs OUTLANDER!

This week in Los Angeles, a number of TV executives from around the world will be seeing episodes of the OUTLANDER TV series for the first time. As of right now, only the US, Canada, and Australia have announced plans to air the series. Obviously we'd like to have it shown in many, many other countries, and this is a great opportunity to get the attention of the international TV network executives who are in a position to make that happen.

Outlander Ambassadors is planning another #WorldwideTVNeedsOUTLANDER Twitter campaign on Monday, May 19, 2014, from 1 pm - 3 pm ET (that's 10 am - noon PT, 6 pm - 8 pm GMT).

If you're on Twitter, please tag your tweets on May 19 with #WorldwideTVNeedsOUTLANDER! We'd love to see it trending again! Please help spread the word to anyone you know who may be interested. Thanks!

If you haven't seen it already, I would really recommend that you read Diana Gabaldon's latest blog post about the TV series, which contains more information for international fans.

For more about the OUTLANDER TV series, see my FAQ page here.


  1. I'm kinda hoping that maybe Starz could be convinced to make episodes available online on demand (for pay, naturally LOL) on their website. It would solve all sorts of problems for those of us in countries not likely to get it.

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.