UK publication date has changed to 10 June!

Important update for OUTLANDER fans in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand!

According to the website of Orion Books (Diana Gabaldon's UK publisher), WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD will be published on 10 June 2014.

In other words, the UK edition is now scheduled to be published the same day that the book comes out in the US and Canada.

Diana Gabaldon's comment about this on Compuserve (posted in the wee hours of this morning) was:
So far, no one's said anything to me--but no one's at work in New York, and the UK probably won't be at their desks for another couple of hours. I'll inquire. (I wouldn't be even vaguely surprised, though.)
If I hear back from Diana with confirmation of the date change, I will update this post. But I'm presuming it's accurate unless she says otherwise.

For more information about WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD, please see my FAQ page here.


  1. OMG, Karen, I just randomly hit the STARZ website to the side of your blog. Outlander premiers August 9th and look at the image they're using. The blood rushed to my head

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