What do you do when a new Gabaldon book comes out?

With the publication of Diana Gabaldon's WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD only a few weeks away, I thought this would be a good time to talk about how we plan to celebrate its release.
What do you do when a new OUTLANDER book is published? Take a couple of days off from work? Lock yourself in the bedroom and tell your family to fend for themselves while you're immersed in the book? Stop following OUTLANDER fan-sites for fear of encountering spoilers?

Do you turn to the last page first? (Personally, I wouldn't ever do that, but I know there are some people who prefer to read books that way.) Do you read quickly the first time, to find out what happens, then do a slower re-read to catch all the details -- or do you try to read as slowly as you can, the first time?
If you have a particular routine or ritual that you've used in the past, we'd like to hear about it! If this is your first experience waiting for a brand-new Diana Gabaldon book, what are your plans?
I try not to read the last few pages, but sometimes I do, just so I can the book down and go to sleep!