What do you do when a new Gabaldon book comes out?

With the publication of Diana Gabaldon's WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD only a few weeks away, I thought this would be a good time to talk about how we plan to celebrate its release.

What do you do when a new OUTLANDER book is published? Take a couple of days off from work? Lock yourself in the bedroom and tell your family to fend for themselves while you're immersed in the book? Stop following OUTLANDER fan-sites for fear of encountering spoilers?

Do you turn to the last page first? (Personally, I wouldn't ever do that, but I know there are some people who prefer to read books that way.) Do you read quickly the first time, to find out what happens, then do a slower re-read to catch all the details -- or do you try to read as slowly as you can, the first time?

If you have a particular routine or ritual that you've used in the past, we'd like to hear about it! If this is your first experience waiting for a brand-new Diana Gabaldon book, what are your plans?


  1. I read quickly the first time, to find out what happens, then do a slower re-read to catch all the details.
  2. This will be the first time I read a new release from DG. I will NOT look at the ending because that is an old habit I'm trying to break. I will NOT read the bottom of a page to see what happens before I read the top. I'm learning to savor every word as I let the story unfold at my own brain's pace. I find that my excitement builds when I follow Diana's flow of narrative and I'm never disappointed.
  3. I read so quickly the first time I barely remember what I've read. Then I go back and read again to pick up all that I missed. Then a month or so later I read to savor. And then I put it in the queue to read in all my rereads.
  4. This will be the 1st time I've waited for a new DB book specifically. I have all the rest of her books on Kindle, so I'll probably get MOBY that way too. I usually try to wait for a sale though, so I fear I may have to unfollow everyone on twitter to avoid spoilers, which is terrible because of all the excitement for the TV show! Waaaah!
  5. I dedicate my day(s) as much as possible to reading the book, and do my best not to rush through (and not look at the ending unless unbearable tension makes me do it!). I prefer to read the hardcover the first time and have the ebook for portable re-reads. I will admit to being somewhat obsessive about details, so I take notes while reading in order keep events straight in my mind, or to find favorite lines or passages later. The total outline I have for the current seven books runs twenty-one pages.
  6. Well, I'll be getting mine from the library, which means a fast read (I have a feeling there'll be a huge hold list, so no renewing!). But then I'll get it again and reread a few times. I'll buy it in paperback and let what I may have missed soak in.
  7. I try to find a stretch of time so that I can get really deep into it. (And yes, I'll be getting mine from the library as well, eventually)
  8. Read, re-read, check other books for clues and storylines, hopscotch around to various parts, go back and read start to finish slowly. And listen to the Audible version for what I may have missed the first 3 reads. Then get online and see what others are saying; realize I missed something and go back and read that part again.
  9. I'm with Connie, and I'd like to add that I always stop at the end of a chapter, no matter what. I have however, been know to stay up all night and read and read and read till it's finished. I have waited for the launch date on almost all of Diana's books, from requesting them in advance from the book shop, to pre-ordering on Amazon, and the anticipation is thrilling
  10. I have taken some of my vacation days for the reading. I will be going with a friend to get my book. When the last two came out we sat on my porch to read in the sun and about froze our butts off because the release dates were about a week past when it would be warm enough to read on the porch :-(. On this release though, I'm hoping to have better luck. But June is unpredictable for warm temps. It could be raining and 50 degrees! Hoping for sun. (Hmm, better make sure I have the swing out.)

    I try not to read the last few pages, but sometimes I do, just so I can the book down and go to sleep!
  11. I haven't read the early, teaser chapters Herself has out there- I made the mistake of reading the excerpt at the end of "Echo," and it's been driving me crazy since. I can't imagine even going near the end pages first, either- why ruin the ending? Enjoy the journey! I'm just hoping to finish reading it in order to have enough time to re-read Outlander before the show premieres!
  12. Susan - I don't understand why some people read the ending first. Diana Gabaldon refers to these readers as "Peekers", and it's not meant as a compliment!

  13. Hi Karen , I usually will read the dusk jacket first ti get an outline on what the story will be about then just start from the first chapter and read a chapter a day, if I find that I can't read the book in full I'll listen to the audio Cds , so I'm able to read it in both ways, please post more soon. sincerely

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