UK publication date is June 5!

Good news for OUTLANDER fans in the UK! According to the website of Orion Books (Diana Gabaldon's UK publisher), WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD will be published on 5 June 2014!

In other words, the UK edition is scheduled to be published...

2 days before the OUTLANDER Fan Retreat in Seattle.
4 days before the publication date for the German edition.
5 days before the book comes out in the US and Canada.

I asked Diana Gabaldon on Compuserve whether that June 5 date is accurate, and here is her verbatim reply.

"Always assuming they can finish production and shipping by then, yes."

Even though it's only a matter of a few days, I'm actually glad that the readers in the UK will get the book first this time, considering that they had to wait four months for AN ECHO IN THE BONE to be published in the UK, after it came out in the US in 2009.

Please note, I have no information about the publication date for Australia or New Zealand or any other countries other than those listed above!

For more information about WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD, please see my FAQ page here.


  1. Thank you Karen for this news ....although as shes not finished writing it yet then got to go through editors proofreaders rewrites ect before publishing am not holding my breath for this to actually happen but great news if its true :-D :-* :-P

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