"The Space Between" standalone e-book coming April 15!

Diana Gabaldon's novella, "The Space Between" (the story of Young Ian's brother Michael, Marsali's sister Joan, and the Comte St. Germain) will be released as a standalone e-book on April 15, 2014 in the US and Canada.  It will sell for $1.99, and it will be available for Kindle, Nook, etc.

Here are the pre-order links:

Kindle edition

Nook edition

I'm looking forward to adding this e-book to my collection!

Please note, this standalone e-book is going to be available ONLY in the US and Canada, due to international rights issues.

This is the same story that was previously published in THE MAD SCIENTIST'S GUIDE TO WORLD DOMINATION and A TRAIL OF FIRE. For more detailed information, see "The Space Between" FAQ page.

"The Space Between" is a very enjoyable story, with lots of potential for speculation, and I'm glad that more people will have access to it soon.


  1. Just thought I'd tell you that I just preordered the Kindle version. Nothing odd about that? Except that I live in France and ordered it from Amazon.fr

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