Diana Gabaldon's US book-tour schedule!

Diana Gabaldon has posted the schedule for her US book-tour for WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD on Twitter here.

Please note her comments at the top of the post:

NB 1: _I_ don't pick the dates or places; Random House does that. I go where they tell me. <g>

NB 2: No, I can't squeeze in extra cities, alas.

I have no information beyond what Diana posted on Twitter. If you have questions, please contact the organizers for the individual events.

My mom and I are hoping to be at the book-signing in Philadelphia on June 17. <g> Hope to see some of you there!

Finally, in case you missed it, Diana's Canadian book-tour schedule is here.


  1. My daughter and I plan to attend the Philadelphia appearance too. It's only a 400 seat venue, maybe we'll meet! Love, love, love your blog.
  2. I'm hoping to get tickets to take my Mom, and excited about the possibility of meeting you, after enjoying your blog and your comments on the Books and Writers Forum. I don't post much, but I'm also Jewish and share Diana's birthday, if that would help you know me? I'm susantjb over there.

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