Video interview with Sam Heughan!

Check out this terrific video interview with Sam Heughan!

I love listening to Sam talk! <g> Not just the Scottish accent, but the soft-spoken voice, just like Jamie's. Amazing.

And that dazzling smile -- again, just like Jamie's -- completely won me over.

My only quibble is that Sam made a comment to the effect that WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD is the last book in the series. That's not true. Diana has confirmed that there will be a Book 9!

If you're interested in the OUTLANDER TV series, you really need to watch this video!


  1. Fabulous, thank you for posting!!
  2. I caught that "last book" comment, too, and was all "Wait. Whaaaa?" Maybe he meant last one that she has written. Thanks for clarifying. Anyway. I think he is absolutely adorable. That smile is very endearing. I'm really looking forward to seeing the show.
  3. Thank you for sharing! Oh, it will be great to watch the show, whenever that will be in Sweden...
  4. Well Karen, I don't know HOW MANY times I listened to Sam's interview, that interview is on all the Outlander related pages !!... Can't get enough ! It's a real bliss to listen to him !and to Watch him, such a nice Young man ! Thankyou.
  5. Awesome video. :) I love reading your blog even though I don't comment much, I wanted to mention though, if you have the Hallmark Channel, there is a Sam Heughan movie that has been playing on there for their Christmas movie event. It comes on again on Dec. 1. It's called "A Princess for Christmas" (2011) it's really good if you haven't seen it yet, and Sam is one of the main characters. :)
  6. Hi Karen, I caught this as well. My guess is Sam is heads down and not paying attention to all of the postings. He might have missed Diana saying that MOBY is not the last book. Martha

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.