Spookiest moments in the books

With Halloween approaching, I thought it might be fun to talk about some of the spookiest, scariest, or most eerie moments in Diana Gabaldon's books. What are some of your favorites?

Here are a few of mine:

- Margaret Campbell speaking in Brianna's voice, in the "crocodile" scene in VOYAGER (Chapter 61, "The Crocodile's Fire"). That always gives me shivers, especially the audio version!

- Claire seeing Otter-Tooth's ghost in DRUMS OF AUTUMN (Chapter 23, "The Skull Beneath the Skin"), and her shoes appearing on the doorstep of their cabin on the Ridge.

- Lord John's encounter with a zombie in his bedchamber, in "Plague of Zombies".

What about the rest of you?


  1. Karen

    Has anyone mentioned difficulty in loading your site? I just had one attempt time out and it took the second attempt nearly a full minute to load. I have an especially fast cable connection which loads most sites in a few seconds. Has your ISP been having problems?

    Hope I'm the only one with this problem. Your site is worth waiting for and I visit it daily.

  2. Jerry - I haven't heard of anyone else having problems. It could be a network connectivity issue, but there's nothing I can do about it. If you have trouble getting to the blog, try my RSS feed, at http://feeds2.feedburner.com/OutlandishObservations.


  3. The telling of the ghost story in the cemetery in the beginning of Drums of Autumn is the very spookiest part.
  4. Definitely Claire seeing Otter Tooth was spooky for me!
  5. In Voyager, when Claie meets Miss Margaret Campbell and she has a "fit."

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