Contest results!

I'm delighted to announce the results of the 2nd Annual OUTLANDER Photo Contest!

I received a total of 120 photos, from fans in at least 12 different countries, all over the world. It's a wonderful collection, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

The contest winners, chosen by the random number generator at, are:

Pat S. (UK)

Anne U. (US)

Sandy from Compuserve (US)

Congratulations to all three of you! Please think about which of Diana Gabaldon's hardcover books you'd like as your prize. I will be contacting you by email to work out the details.

Once again, many thanks to everyone who participated in this photo contest. I hope you had fun with it!


  1. Outlander fans are the best. What a great collection of photos. Congrats to the winners :)
  2. Wow, I don't know how you picked the three winners from such a lot of sensational photos. I'd have been hard pressed not to put the ones with people in them. Well done all.
  3. I loved reading through all the comments along with the pictures. It's so fun to see how everyone loves and enjoys these wonderful books.

    It was such a lovely surprise to open up your blog this morning and see I had won. Thank you for doing this Karen, and of course to Diana for such amazing books!
  4. Gina - I agree 100%! I'm really pleased with the way this collection turned out. Everybody had fun with it, which is just what I wanted. There are a lot of very creative fans out there! :-)

    Jayjay - It was a RANDOM selection. I couldn't possibly choose, because I think they're all wonderful!

    Anne - Congratulations!! I hope you got my email earlier today asking for more information so I can get your book ordered. Please let me know if you didn't get it. You can contact me at

  5. Thoroughly enjoyed the photos and, especially, the comments.
  6. I was able today to get to my computer and watch them. Loved them all and the comments truly bring everybody so close. It's really fantastic! Congratulations to all the winners and especially for you, Karen. You do a great job!!

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.