March poll results

Here are the results of the March poll:

Have you read Diana Gabaldon's latest story, "The Space Between"?
  • 32.19% - Yes. I read it in A TRAIL OF FIRE.
  • 14.78% - Not yet, but I'm planning to.
  • 7.29% - Of course! I loved it.
  • 6.07% - No, I'm waiting for A TRAIL OF FIRE to be released where I live.
  • 5.06% - No, I will wait until it's available as a standalone e-book.
  • 3.24% - I'm reading it now.
  • 2.63% - No, I don't want to buy a whole book for one new story.
  • 2.63% - What's that? Never heard of it.
  • 1.82% - No, it's not available where I live.
  • 1.42% - No, I will wait for the audio version.
  • 1.21% - Yes, I got it from the library.
  • 1.21% - No, I'm not interested in reading stories about minor characters.
  • 1.42% - Other
Here are the responses for "Other":
  • Have Trail Of Fire, but am pacing myself, so not read it yet.
  • Just received A Trail of Fire from 'the Poisoned Pen'...Can't wait to read it !
  • I have it, but have not had time to read it yet.
  • Yes, I read bought 'The mad scientists' and then also bought 'A trail of fire'
  • I bought A TRAIL OF FIRE from TPP & waiting til I have time to savor it!
  • read it on my Nook
  • I have it, but haven't read it yet. I'm waiting for time to savour every word!
There were 494 responses to this poll. Thanks very much to everyone who participated! I didn't vote in the poll myself, but I really enjoyed this story. If you want to learn more about "The Space Between", see my FAQ page here.

I hope you'll take a moment to vote in the April poll, which is all about what everybody's doing to pass the time while we wait for WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD. The new poll will run through the end of April.


  1. I feel sorry for the 6% who apparently don't know that A Trail of Fire is readily available throughout the world from both the Poisoned Pen and
  2. Hello Karen, while waiting for MOHB:I reread the series (and Ld J's books),I read the DLs, I follow various<1st of all Outl.Obs>, I hang out on Diana's FBpage, I learn more about the historical background and I read books by other authors.Thanks Karen for keeping us in the loop.

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