Diana Gabaldon's public appearances in 2013

Diana Gabaldon's website has been updated with details of her public appearances for 2013!

Please note:

1) Anything on this list is subject to change.

2) Additional appearances might be added to the list later.  For example, I'm sure Diana plans to attend the Surrey International Writers Conference in October -- she goes there every year -- but it's not yet on the list. [UPDATE 1/15/2013 7:50 am: Diana has confirmed that she's planning to be at Surrey this year, and she says the page will be updated soon to add that information.]

3) We have no details as yet about Diana's possible book-tour schedule in the fall when WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD is released.

I'm intrigued by the possibilities of her April 12 visit to Fairfax, VA. That's less than an hour's drive from my brother's house in Maryland, and it's a Friday, so it would work out nicely if I flew up there for a long weekend or something. I'll talk to my brother and my sister-in-law and see what can be arranged.  Keep your fingers crossed! <g> If it works out, that would be my third time meeting Diana in person.

[EDIT to add: my brother said, "Sounds good! I'll put it on my calendar." So it looks like I'll be going to the event in Fairfax. I'm very excited, even though it's still three months away.]

Keep watching Diana's website for the latest updates.


  1. Oh, I just thought! Remember when they handed out those mini Echo booklets one year? Could they maybe do the same for MOBY, at Fergus?

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