ABOSAA unabridged audiobook available in the UK!

Great news for those of you in the UK who listen to the OUTLANDER audiobooks! I just found out that Diana Gabaldon's A BREATH OF SNOW AND ASHES is finally available for download in UNABRIDGED format on audible.co.uk. (Thanks to Bev Philip on Diana's Facebook page for letting us know!)

ABOSAA Unabridged Audio 

Click on the image above, or go here, to download it from Audible UK.Before you download, make sure you are looking at the UNABRIDGED version (narrated by Davina Porter, 57.25 hours running time), and NOT the abridged version narrated by Geraldine James. (If you live in the US, you can download it here.)

I'm delighted to hear that it's finally available in the UK! Davina Porter does a wonderful job with this audiobook, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

Please pass this information on to anyone else you know who may be interested. Thanks!


  1. Hi Karen,
    Thank you for this :-)
    I have been checking Audible uk every few days waiting patiently or not so patiently recently.
    It is now downloading as I type.
    Now I've just got to continue waiting patiently for Scottish Prisoner.
  2. Thank you so much for that info. I checked the German audible site and there it was as well. Yay!


    I'm so grateful for my audible subscription with which I only paid the monthly fee of 10 EUR (=$7.5) for this audiobook. And now the mission "Get reacquainted with the complete series via listening the ALL audiobooks before MOBY is published" can get started :-)
  3. Karen,
    I've just discovered The Fiery Cross on sale for $6.95 from audible.com until 1/19/13. Might be something you could let Outlander fans know about, since I don't post to compuserve.

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