A TRAIL OF FIRE update from Poisoned Pen

If you've been thinking about ordering Diana Gabaldon's story collection, A TRAIL OF FIRE, in hardcover, please read this message from the Poisoned Pen bookstore, which Diana posted on her Facebook page this afternoon:
"We have bought out the remaining stock of A TRAIL OF FIRE from the UK publisher--so once these are gone, that's the end of the hardcover copies! Consider thinking ahead to Valentine's Day or Mother's/Father's Day..."Here's the link to order a copy, while supplies last!
[UPDATE 1/31/2013 6:54 am: Well, that didn't take long! Diana posted this update on her Facebook page last night, from the manager of the Poisoned Pen: "Trail of Fire is now sold out (thank you! That was fast!)"]
For those of you who don't know, the Poisoned Pen is Diana Gabaldon's local independent bookstore in Scottsdale, Arizona. That's where I got my copy of TRAIL in November. Their staff is very friendly and knowledgeable about the books, and they ship all over the world.
For more information about A TRAIL OF FIRE, see my FAQ page here. (Diana has said that TRAIL will eventually be published in the US, but probably not until sometime in 2014, owing to publishing rights restrictions.)
With the Poisoned Pen having purchased the remaining stock it's important to note that UK publishers rarely do a second edition of a hardback book. Paperbacks dominate the market of the UK and the Commonwealth countries of Australia and New Zealand.