Reading Challenges for 2013

First of all, many thanks to Kristen from Home is Where the Book Is, for volunteering to host the 2013 OUTLANDER Reading Challenge!
From the announcement:
Please help Kristen get the word out to other OUTLANDER fans about this challenge! Thanks.
- Challenge runs from January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013
- Goal is to read all of the Outlander novels as well as the Lord John Grey novels.
- All book formats are accepted: Bound, e-Book, Audio.
- Anyone is welcome to participate, you do not need a blog to sign up.

American Revolution Reading Challenge 2013, sponsored by War Through the Generations.
Challenge Description:
War Through the Generations' 2013 reading challenge will be the American Revolution. The challenge will run from January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013.This challenge should be pretty easy for OUTLANDER fans. Certainly THE FIERY CROSS, A BREATH OF SNOW AND ASHES, and AN ECHO IN THE BONE would qualify! If you know of any other interesting books (fiction or non-fiction) about the American Revolution that might qualify for this challenge, I'd like to hear about them.
This year you have options when reading your fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels, etc. with the American Revolution as the primary or secondary theme.
Books can take place before, during, or after the war, so long as the conflicts that led to the war or the war itself are important to the story.

Seriously Series Reading Challenge 2013, sponsored by On a Book Bender and Reading the Paranormal.
This is a challenge about reading books in a series, so it's perfect for OUTLANDER fans, especially those of you who are trying to finish reading (or re-reading) the series in time for the expected release of WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD in the fall of 2013.
A series is considered complete in one of two ways: either as finishing all the books that you own in the series or as obtaining and reading all the books that have been published in the series to date. Because we don’t want this challenge to become a financial burden, how you choose to define completion is left to your discretion.Again, this one shouldn't be difficult for most of you.
To allow for the greatest level of flexibility, we’ve separated series into three categories: series started before 2013, series started in 2013, and series rereads.

Historical Fiction Reading Challenge 2013, sponsored by Historical Tapestry.
During these following 12 months you can choose one of the different reading levels:These are only a few suggestions for reading challenges to keep you busy in 2013 while we wait for WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD. Have fun!
20th century reader - 2 books
Victorian reader - 5 books
Renaissance Reader - 10 books
Medieval - 15 books
Ancient History -25+ books
You can tailor the challenge to suit you in whichever way you like!
I haven't seen an Outlander challenge either so I decided to host one at my blog. I hope you will consider joining!
Thanks for keeping this Outlander fan always in the know with your blog!
Happy Holidays,
thanks a lot for your entertainment all over the year!
Have a wonderful time and all the best for 2013 :)
Greetings from Austria/Europe from