"Leaf" is a bestseller!

Diana Gabaldon posted the following on her Facebook page last night:
"A HUGE thank you to all of you who've downloaded the new e-book (not to mislead you; it's a novella, not a huge book) "A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows"!

This is the story of Roger MacKenzie's parents (and a bit about Frank Randall) during WWII.

And I've just been informed that the story debuted at #2 on the Kindle 25 Select List--and at #7 on the New York Times Bestseller List (Ebooks)! (Frankly, I didn't know there _was_ an NYT Ebooks bestseller list, but am charmed to discover it.)

All your doing--thank you so much!"

In addition, "Leaf" is also on Digital Book World's list of Top 25 E-Book Bestsellers for the week ending December 8.

"Leaf" is a wonderful story, and I'm very happy for Diana that the standalone e-book version is doing so well.

Congratulations, Diana!!

For more information about the e-book of "A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows", look here. (Please note, this standalone e-book is only available in the US and Canada at this time.)


  1. Would you believe that Goodreads has the novella listed with a title of "A Leaf on the Wind of All Saints?" Truer than fiction. Haven't figured out how to contact them. I also posted this message on Outlander Book Club in hopes of finding someone who knows how to contact Goodreads.


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