A TRAIL OF FIRE release date

Today is October 11, which amazon.co.uk has listed for months as the publication date for Diana Gabaldon's new book, A TRAIL OF FIRE.


When I checked the amazon.co.uk page this morning, I found that it was still showing A TRAIL OF FIRE as available for pre-order only. Which led me to wonder if the 11 October date listed on that page might be an error.

Here's what I've been able to determine so far:
  • The publisher's website says "November 2012".
  • All of the other online sites in the UK that I checked (the Book Depository, Waterstone's, etc.) are showing a release date of 8 November 2012, not 11 October.
  • I've heard from fans in Australia and New Zealand who said their local bookshops are showing the date as 8 November.
  • The Kindle edition is also listed on amazon.co.uk with a release date of 8 November. (Please note, the Kindle edition of A TRAIL OF FIRE will not be available in the US.)
I asked Diana Gabaldon about the date confusion on Compuserve this morning, and she forwarded my message to her UK editor.He sent back the following reply:
Sorry, we should have picked this up before, i.e. that Amazon are showing the wrong pub date (correct pub date is indeed 8 November). It’s right on our system and that should feed through automatically to Amazon but there’s obviously been a glitch somewhere. We’ll get it fixed right away, but I’m sorry you’ve been getting grief from frustrated and confused readers.
The release date for A TRAIL OF FIRE will be 8 November 2012.

Four more weeks of waiting won't make that much difference, I suppose. <wry g> But I wanted to get the word out about this as soon as possible, because a lot of people who pre-ordered from amazon.co.uk will no doubt be expecting their books to be shipped out this week, and clearly that isn't going to happen.

I hope the launch party at the Poisoned Pen bookstore goes ahead as scheduled on October 23. Diana said that she would ask the people at the Poisoned Pen about this later today when she goes there to sign books. I'll post here if I find out any more information about how this date change might affect the launch party.

Please pass this information on to anyone else you know who may be interested.  Thanks!

UPDATE 10/11/2012 1:43 pm: The release date has been corrected on the amazon.co.uk page to say 8 November 2012.


  1. Good morning Karen and thanks for yr information. A few days ago I ordered "A Trail of Fire" from Amazon.fr (as well as other books from other authors) and the delivery date is : NOV.14 so I was wondering why ? Thanks to you it's all clear to me now. greetings from Paris.
  2. I'm sorry to hear its late but I will be so relieved if the poisoned pen date moves, i have an in changeable church commitment and have been dying thinking about missing it! Can't wait for more info, thanks!
  3. Karen - you're awesome - thanks for keeping track of all this.

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