"A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows" e-book!

Diana Gabaldon announced this week that her story "A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows" (the one about Roger MacKenzie's parents) will be released as a standalone e-book on December 3, 2012 in the US and Canada. It will sell for $1.99, and it will be available for Kindle, Nook, Kobo, etc.

UPDATE 11/12/2012 6:38 pm: Here are the pre-order links:

Kindle edition

Nook edition

Diana also posted the cover art for the "Leaf" e-book. I don't know about the rest of you, but I love this cover!  I like the shades of orange on the cover. If you look closely you can see the swirling wind in the background <g>, and the colors in the center remind me of firelight. Which makes me think of jack-o'-lanterns (especially at this time of year!), and that in turn ties into the title very effectively, I think.

Notice the curlicues in the corners, matching the other recent covers (like THE SCOTTISH PRISONER, for example) and subtly reinforcing the point that all these stories are part of a vast interconnected whole.

It's a very warm, inviting cover. I think they did a wonderful job!  I'm looking forward to adding this e-book to my collection.

Please note, this e-book is going to be available ONLY in the US and Canada!  Why? Here is Diana Gabaldon's explanation in her own words, from a post on Compuserve earlier today. Among other things, she says,
"A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows" is ALSO available in print form, in the book A TRAIL OF FIRE (which includes four "Outlander" novellas).

HOWEVER...owing to international rights issues, A TRAIL OF FIRE is only able to be published in the UK/Australia/NewZealand right now (it will be published in print form in the US/Canada, but not until early 2014). You CAN get this book, even if you live in the US or Canada, but it's necessary to order it from www.amazon.co.uk, The Book Depository, or The Poisoned Pen bookstore in Arizona (this is my local bookstore, which handles all my autographed book sales; I go by once a week or so to sign/personalize/inscribe all their orders, and they'll ship books anywhere in the world, including APO addresses).

Owing to the rights issues, you can NOT presently buy the standalone ebook version of "A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows" if you don't live in the US or Canada.

I hope this helps!
"A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows" is a wonderful story, and I'm glad that more people will have access to it soon.  As Diana mentioned, it's one of the four stories included in A TRAIL OF FIRE, which was published on November 8, 2012, in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand.  For more information about A TRAIL OF FIRE, see my TRAIL OF FIRE FAQ page.


  1. Just realized that Trail of Fire is only out in the UK.... Guess where I'm headed tonight!!! I will have that book in my suitcase by the time I come home!

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