Poisoned Pen event for A TRAIL OF FIRE

I just got the following email from Will at the Poisoned Pen bookstore in Scottsdale, AZ. (For those of you who don't know, the Poisoned Pen is an independent bookstore in Diana Gabaldon's hometown. They stock all of Diana's books, and they ship all over the world.)
I wanted to pass on a little info about Diana's upcoming event this October.
She will be discussing her latest novel A TRAIL OF FIRE on October 23 2012 at 7pm. [That would be 7pm Arizona time - KLH]
I'll be passing fan questions along to her as the virtual event progresses. Right now, I'm really trying to get the word out so that fans all over the world can watch and even participate.
The in person event details can be found here:
Diana has confirmed that this is the official launch party for A TRAIL OF FIRE. I'm glad they are setting it up in a way that fans who can't attend the book-signing in person can still participate.
Please pass this information on to anyone you know who may be interested. Thanks!