Have you tried to get others to read the books?

The August poll asks the question, "Have you tried to get other people to read the OUTLANDER books?"
I'd like to hear your stories. Have you managed to get your spouse, boyfriend, or other family members to read the books? What about friends or coworkers?
Do you approach strangers in the library or bookstore and tell them they really should read OUTLANDER? (I personally have never done this. On the other hand, I did spend all day at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games in 2010 wearing a homemade OUTLANDER sign, sort of like a walking billboard, so I suppose that counts....)
Have you ever tried to get someone to read OUTLANDER, only to find that they just weren't interested? (Very frustrating!)
Have you ever been someone else's "OUTLANDER mentor"? (I have, for my sister, and it was a lot of fun.)
What about those of you who won a box of OUTLANDER paperbacks from Random House (pictured above) to give away to potential readers? Did you have any luck getting people to read the books?
Diana Gabaldon often says these are "word-of-mouth books", and I know that she very much appreciates our (collective) efforts to spread the OUTLANDER addiction! <g>
I gave away the books over a six month period and was very pleased to be selected as a "donor." I just purchased a copy of Outlander for my sister. I'd earlier given her one of the free books but she didn't read it then. She's promised to read it now and I have hopes of getting another convert.
Given it as a gift many times--Amazon & Audible know me well.
~~Christie B ("Chrisstine")
time on compuserve (still do) and now I can share it with the people closest to me. It is very rewarding.
Then....one of my other friends hsad gotten a box of these books, she posted on line if any of us wanted one, she would mail it to us.... so I said I wanted one...and received it in the mail a short time later. I started reading it... but didn't get very far.... a book I was waiting for came out and it appealed to me more than this one was....
then....I went to a get together this past June with my group of girlfriends...we meet once a year... about 16+ of us... and my best friend and another new girl to our group were talking about the books.... the new girl...wow, when you look at her face when she talked about these books, her face just lit up.... when I got home, these books were all I could think about ... it's like Jamie was calling me ...inviting me into the world of these pages.... so I did it... It was such a great pull, I couldn't fight it any more.... I am now on book 2... and am loving it.....
On that note...I sent an email to two other friends ...explianing how I felt about the books now....what they did to me....how the captured my heart and soul.... how they have touched me... engulfed me..... become a part of me.....
and with my words...one of our other friends has picked the books up and is reading them too....YAY.... and the other girl is gonna (well...Ladies...we aren't girls anymore....haven't been..........for a while)
the first two friends, after reading what I wrote in the letter to the new two.... said if they had not already read the books, what I wrote would have convienced them to do so....
I'm so glad they got me into this...
now if we could just plan a trip to Scotland....(LOLOL)