Sony Pictures to make an OUTLANDER TV series!

Some very exciting news for OUTLANDER fans today!!
EXCLUSIVE: Sony Pictures TV has closed a deal for the rights to Outlander, Diana Gabaldon’s bestselling fantasy/romance/adventure series of books. Battlestar Galactica developer/executive producer Ron Moore will write the series adaptation, with Jim Kohlberg’s Story Mining and Supply Co producing. The project will be taken to cable networks this week.
You can read the full article here.

Diana Gabaldon made the following announcement on Compuserve this afternoon (and similar announcements on Facebook and Twitter):
Dear All--

Yes, it's true! While the final contracts aren't yet signed, we do have a deal with SONY Pictures for development of a cable-TV series based on the OUTLANDER novels. (cable-TV means things like HBO, Showtime, Starz, Netflix, etc.)
In response to someone who asked if this deal was only for the first book in the series, Diana said:
No, options for a series always cover all books in the series; they don't want to make the first one, have a big hit, and then have the writer hold them up for a billion dollars for the second one. <wry g>
I'm sure you're wondering how much influence Diana will have over the production. Here's what she had to say about that:
Well, IF it actually happens <g>, I'll be a consultant and co-producer. No power, but they do talk to me.
Here's a comment from Ronald D. Moore on Twitter:
"Big fan of @Writer_DG’s Outlander books for many years, excited for the opportunity to do a FAITHFUL interpretation!"
Let's hope he really means it.

Please keep in mind that the project is still in the early stages. We have NO news about casting, NO news about a projected premiere date, NO news about which specific cable or pay-TV channel it might air on. I promise to keep you all updated if I hear anything further!

This is very exciting! I have long been skeptical about the idea of an OUTLANDER movie, but a TV series certainly has a lot of potential. IF it's done right. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

UPDATE 7/22/2012 7:06 pm: Diana Gabaldon has posted a new FAQ (frequently asked questions) page on her website that goes into more detail about the TV series.


  1. Neato! I've got to figure out right quick whether this will be available in Canada...
  2. Thanks for the recap, Karen. I hadn't seen that Tweet from RM. My mood has gone from "absolutely terrified" to "cautiously optimistic". :)
  3. Well, was hoping there'd be a big screen, but if it's done on the order of something like the Tutors, It would be fantastic. Many episodes would at least give more time to develop the story, maybe???
  4. The film makers need to remember that this series has sold more than 20 million copies. Anxious eyes will be watching every minute of the series. I doubt the producer will read the Big Seven (soon to be Eight when Moby is finished) books. Likely they’ll just read the outlines of the novels in The Outlandish Companion. I hope I’m wrong about this but I fear the worse for this series. There’s no way that Gabaldon fans are going to approve. This is a bittersweet success although without Diana's participation it would definitely be worse than we hope for.

  5. Well, I am cautiously optimistic as well. The Game of Thrones series has been done incredibly well so far (especially Season 1), so if they can take note from that and from fans' reactions, you never know - it might very well turn out to be something pretty special!
  6. I've revised my opinion since I posted here. On CompuServe Diana wrote:

    "Actually, Ron and his chief production assistant came out and spent a weekend (not an hour, not a day ) with me last month, discussing the books, the characters, various approaches, structural principles--i.e., where it might be best to break the content of a book for a season, an episode, etc.--the background from which I wrote the books, asked if I had any out-takes or background material written for any of the minor characters that might be useful, etc., etc. He'd read everything, including THE EXILE.

    We got on _really_ well, and I'm entirely convinced that he'll handle the material as well as it can be done."

    This makes me feel a lot better and less apprehensive.

    I have long preferred a FAITHFUL cable TV series adaptation of this show (a la True Blood, Game of Thrones) over a movie. Details can be shown without rushing. And it can last for many TV viewing seasons!

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