Will there be a Book 9?

Diana Gabaldon made a couple of Very Interesting comments on Twitter in the last 24 hours.
In reply to someone who asked if there will be a Book 9, Diana said,
"Oh, I'm pretty sure there will be. <g>"
And when I reacted to that, Diana said,
"Well, the book (MOBY, I mean) is starting to Take Shape, to the point that I _almost_ know where it ends. And there's More."
I'm not surprised, but I'm very glad to hear this, as I'm sure many of you are!
I thought those of you who are not on Twitter would want to know. <vbg> It's not official yet, but it sounds like the prospect of a Book 9 is getting more certain all the time.
Though I wouldna object to a "quadrilogy of trilogies" or a "quadrilogy of quadrilogies". ;-)
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Thank you for the good news