A TRAIL OF FIRE cover art

Here is the cover art for A TRAIL OF FIRE, the upcoming story collection (due out in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand on 11 October 2012) that will include four of Diana Gabaldon's shorter pieces -- "The Custom of the Army", "A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows", "Lord John and the Plague of Zombies", and "The Space Between". 

I like this cover a lot. Very striking! The gemstones will certainly attract the attention of OUTLANDER fans, and I like the "trail of fire" bisecting the circle. What do the rest of you think?

For more information about A TRAIL OF FIRE, see Diana Gabaldon's blog post from May 2012.

Thanks very much to Nicole on Compuserve for letting me know about this!


  1. I LOVE it! I think it is a perfect cover!
  2. Glad I could be of help, Karen!
  3. So are we going to be able to get this in Canada?
  4. Theresa - Diana says eventually (maybe in 2014) it will be available in print form in the US and Canada, but that can't happen until all the rights have reverted to her, which will take a while. Those of us in the US and Canada will have to order it from amazon.co.uk or the Poisoned Pen or some other site that ships from the UK.

    See Diana's blog post that I linked to above for more details.

  5. Wow! A very striking cover--I like it a lot! I'm glad this one fits in with the overall aesthetic of the other covers (SP, re-releases of the other LJ stories)--I think this is a good 'look' for the series.

    Thanks for posting it!
  6. Beautiful. I want to buy it to add to my collection! I don't think I have read the last two stories in that book.
  7. Hello Karen, beautiful! Looking forward to October 11!!! Thanks for sharing.

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