A TRAIL OF FIRE cover art

Here is the cover art for A TRAIL OF FIRE, the upcoming story collection (due out in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand on 11 October 2012) that will include four of Diana Gabaldon's shorter pieces -- "The Custom of the Army", "A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows", "Lord John and the Plague of Zombies", and "The Space Between".
I like this cover a lot. Very striking! The gemstones will certainly attract the attention of OUTLANDER fans, and I like the "trail of fire" bisecting the circle. What do the rest of you think?
For more information about A TRAIL OF FIRE, see Diana Gabaldon's blog post from May 2012.
Thanks very much to Nicole on Compuserve for letting me know about this!
See Diana's blog post that I linked to above for more details.
Thanks for posting it!