Poll results, and a little news

May Poll

Here are the results of the May poll:

Would you go through the stones, if you could?
  • 39.9% - Of course, if Jamie Fraser was waiting for me!
  • 14.69% - Maybe for a short visit, but not to live there permanently.
  • 9.68% - Yes! I'd love to see the 18th century.
  • 8.85% - Yes, but I'd have to bring some essential items with me.
  • 8.35% - No. I like reading about it, but I have no desire to time-travel myself.
  • 4.84% - No, I couldn't leave my family and friends here.
  • 4.51% - No, I wouldn't survive in an earlier time.
  • 2.84% - I'm not sure.
  • 1.67% - No, it took a lot of hard work to live in the 18th century.
  • 1.34% - I don't believe time-travel is possible.
  • 1.17% - No, I'd miss the conveniences of modern life too much.
  • 0.17% - No, it sounds too dangerous.
  • 2.00% - Other

Here are the answers people gave for "Other":
  • If I could experience the 18th century and then bring Jamie home with me.
  • no - too dangerous for women
  • Depends on whether it's Terminator rules or Bttf [Back to the Future] rules.
  • Only if I could be adopted by the Fraser clan and have Claire as an advisor!
  • Yes, if my DH could come with me!
  • I've done it
  • the adventure is worth it!!
  • I would try it, if I could get someone to go with me.
  • In my fantasy world, yes! In real life, I wouldn't leave my wonderful family.
  • Absolutely! If I can bring my husband and son with me.
  • If it was easier than it is then yes, I'd love to be able to talk to ancestors
  • Some combination of a few of the above answers.
There were 599 responses to this month's poll.  I didn't vote in it myself, but I would have gone with the second choice: "Maybe for a short visit, but not to live there permanently."

Thanks very much to everyone who participated! 

June Poll, and my trip to Scotland!

In honor of my upcoming trip to Scotland, the June poll asks the question, "Have you ever been to Scotland?"

For those of you who don't know, I'm going on Judy Lowstuter's Celtic Journeys OUTLANDER Tour in the first week of July, along with my mom and my sister Alice, and a group of other OUTLANDER fans. And I'm incredibly excited about it! This will be my first trip to Scotland. Judy has been wonderful so far, patiently answering all of our many questions.

Some of you have been asking whether I'm planning to blog about my experiences on the tour. The answer to that is, of course! <g> But I will probably wait until I get home to do that. Rest assured, I'll have lots of photos and stories to share when I get home!

I hope you'll take a moment to vote in the June poll.And just to let everyone know, this poll will close on the morning of June 29th, so that I can post the results before I leave for Scotland.


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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.