My upcoming trip to Scotland!

Four more days until I leave for Scotland!!

For those of you who don't know, I'm going on Judy Lowstuter's Celtic Journeys OUTLANDER Tour in the first week of July, along with my mom and my sister Alice (who lives in Israel), and a group of other OUTLANDER fans.

Naturally, I'm tremendously excited! This will be my first visit to Scotland.

We will be leaving Friday morning, June 29, and returning Sunday night, July 8.

I will have internet access from the hotels during the tour, but I do not plan to blog while I'm away. The tour schedule is pretty busy and I expect we'll all be tired by the evenings. I will certainly post pictures here, and blog about our adventures in detail, when I get home, though!

I'll post one last round of Friday Fun Facts on the morning of the 29th, and put up the July poll, and then Outlandish Observations will go on hiatus for a couple of weeks, until I get back.


  1. Have a great time, Karen!
  2. Have a great time! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!
  3. Thanks! I'm sure I'll have lots to tell you all when I get home! :-)

  4. Bon Voyage! You will be living the dream!
  5. Bon Voyage! You will be living the dream!
  6. woaaa enjoy your time there! I will be in Edinburgh for three weeks in September but I fear I won't have enough time to visit the Highlands as well :( Tell about the tour when your back! I also want to take one!! =D
  7. Enjoy you tour! Scotland is fantastic! You will be happy!
    Ciao from Italy

  8. Dear Karen, I wish you a wonderful beautiful Scotland and a safe trip for you, your Mum and sister, enjoy yrslf, have a good time ! I'll be looking fwrd to reading about it later. I write you from Greece (my husband's country)where we'll spend about 3months 1/2, the weather's very hot indeed... I'm currently re-reading Outlander, the 1st book (I forgot so many details...). Have a great time, all the best. Christiane
  9. Your blog is great.
    I am looking forward to read your comments about this trip.
    Have good time there
  10. Hi Karen,
    Wishing you all a fabulous holiday, can't wait to hear all about it.
  11. Dear Karen,

    Have a great, great trip. Standing by to hear your in-depth reports.

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