June poll results

Here are the results of the June poll. (I closed this poll a couple of days early, because I'm leaving for Scotland on the morning of the 29th.)

Have you ever been to Scotland?
  • 55.83% - No, but I'd love to visit there some day!
  • 15.55% - I visited Scotland long before I knew Diana Gabaldon's books existed.
  • 7.24% - I visited Scotland after I discovered the OUTLANDER books.
  • 6.36% - Yes, I've been there more than once.
  • 4.24% - No, I can't afford it.
  • 2.30% - I'm making plans to visit this year.
  • 1.94% - I've lived in Scotland all or part of my life.
  • 1.41% - I went on an OUTLANDER-themed tour of Scotland.
  • 0.53% - No, I like reading about Scotland but I don't have any desire to go there myself.
  • 4.59% - OtherJ
Here are all the "Other" comments:
  • I visited after Outlander books, but I had always wanted to go because of family
  • Scottish grandpa - long dead
  • No, but I'd do just about anything to go and visit someday.
  • No, but my husband is on vacation there right NOW!! That rascall! :)
  • July 2013 I'm going. I think DG should get a cut of the tourism she has generate
  • I went after I read the books but not because of them.
  • Going next year
  • No, but hopefully will make it there next year!!!
  • My sister and I plan to go together just because of the books for my 50birthday
  • it has been my dream to go to scotland and see the highlands,
  • I plan to go t take a trip to Scotland for my graduation present.
  • I've always wanted to go (scots ancestry), but want to more now. Maybe someday!
  • I want to go again now I have read Diana's books
  • my mothers from Scotland and visited as a child but would love to go back now
  • It's on my bucket list!
  • I just visited Scotland, and am going to move there, it's beautiful!
  • In 1994 I planned an itinerary and visited places Diane mentioned in OUTLANDER!
  • Yes, but I'm English so it's not a big deal for me, my pilgrimages are to the US
  • Went to Findhorn to visit my daughter.
  • Only in daydreams. But it is a goal of mine.I always feel Scotland calling me!
  • lived in Scotland on two separate occaission for a total of five years-loved it!
  • Yes, I've been there several times and I'm going back in July!
  • Just returned from an amazing 10 days in Scotland! You will love it!
  • I am going next year to do an Outlander tour
  • If a tour could accomodate physical limitations, I'd be there!
  • Been there once. Not sure if I'd read the books then or not. Loved it!

There were 566 votes in this poll. Thanks very much to everyone who participated! Please take a moment to vote in the July poll, which is all about your favorite opening lines in the OUTLANDER books.


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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.