How do you pass the time while you wait?

So we've made it to June (and personally I think this year is just flying by!) but there's still a long time until WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD comes out. (When will it be out? Probably sometime in 2013, that's as much as we know right now. Diana is still writing it!)

What are you doing to pass the time while you wait for MOHB?

I know that many fans depend on Diana's #DailyLines on Facebook and Twitter to get their "fix". I don't read excerpts, but here are a few of my coping strategies:

- Re-reading (or, in my case, "re-listening"). I'm listening to ECHO again at the moment, and I find that the audiobooks really help to pass the time.

- Hanging out on Compuserve, Diana's Facebook page, and various fan-sites.

- Blogging. <g> Coming up with ideas for the Friday Fun Facts each week, and researching them, has helped a great deal in the last four months to keep me occupied. And it ensures that I never get bored!

What about the rest of you?  What do you do to feed your OUTLANDER-addiction during these long periods between books?


  1. Dear Karen,

    How so I pass my time waiting? I think the correct answer here is "in pure agony" ...

    I do a little of what you do, I re-re-read the books. Moreover:
    I talk about them to people who never heard of Outlander or Diana Gabaldon; discuss deeper details of Jamie, Claire and the whole family with first time readers who are not familiar with Compuserve,, Twitter Facebook; promote the former online websites to anyone who listens long enough...
    One of my latest coping strategies, now that summer is upon us, is to picture in my mind Claire in her garden, and imagine her exchanges with Jamie, Bree with Roger, Ian with Rachel, etc... It's hard since I gave up excerpts cold turkey; I also try to imagine, or guess what will happen in Written...

    It's tough, but we gotta hang in there. We are perhaps luckier than the ones who have been following Diana since 1992!
    All the best,

    Anne-Marie P.
  2. I am listening to and rereading the books again and am up to Breath of SNOW and Ashes. Also involving myself in all things Scottish, attending Tartan Festival here at Waipu at the end of January (NZ), and researching my family tree.
  3. reading above I don't feel so siilly. I'm re-reading (pacing myself to be reading Echo next December, but may not make it, may have to read a 3rd time.) I also took advantage of the wonderful Audio deal (thanks Diana!) and just wept my way through the end of Dragonfly last night. I'm trying to ration the audio books also, but that's hard to do. I no longer listen to the radio, and clean house attached to my ipod. My husband thinks I've totally lost it, but the friends I've sold on Outlander understand completely. I've read all the published works, the blog, Twitter, and Karen, I now look forward to Fridays with special joy.
  4. Dear Karen,

    I'm re-reading the series (reading it in English for the first time ever) one chapter per day. I have two chapters to go with VOYAGER. And I've pre-ordered a copy of TRAIL OF FIRE (made myself a Christmas present) and therefore counting the days to Christmas (204, if you care). I'm seriously doubtful that I'll have my re-read including TRAIL finished by the time MOBY comes out, so I'm patiently waiting for the publishing day, but I think the wait will be harder the nearer 2013 comes.
  5. I pass the time by reading the Daily Lines on Facebook, reading the other books in the series; I'm currently reading The Scottish Prisoner, and by listening to the audio books of the series. Which, I agree with you, they really do help pass the time and they're very exciting to listen to, and I visit your blog to see what Observations you've made. I also do some writing in my own spare time so that helps as well.
  6. I'm reading lots of detective-type novels (Stone Barrington series by Stuart Woods, and many books by Jonathan Kellerman) and watching and reading Game of Thrones series. I figure I will finish reading the series about the time "Written In My Own Heart's Blood" comes out.
  7. I just got on the bandwagon recently and have only been "waiting" for the next book since April! haha!! So man, I feel so spoiled getting instant gratification. It must be tough being a long time fan and having these long lapses. I can NOT read anything on her FB!! I don't want to know anything!! :)

    The first time I "read" Outlander was by audio and I was lukewarm at BEST about it, but my friend MADE me continue on. Gladly! So anyway, I just finished up the last one (reading them all, since I realized I hate all books I listen to!) and decided to READ Outlander, and oh my was that yummy and delicious!! Mmmm......I can't wait to read them all again. Very slowly I'm sure! I also look fwd to finding new things to read!

    Oh and listening on repeat a new favorite song by the Scottish band Twin Atlantic, "Free". His accent is yummy and it just so happens to be an amazing song! :)

  8. I re-read the books, follow this blog and peek into Compuserve to see Silvia's amazing drawings.

    The one thing I never do is read extracts. That would completely spoil the next book for me. I consider the people who do that to be completely lacking in self control!

    I also relish the gaps between books as a wonderful opportunity to read other authors. Yes, Diana is an amazing author, but there are lots of other amazing authors out there as well.
  9. I have to admit that I still have to read so many other books that the waiting time doesn't seem that long.
    But I'm also reading the daily lines, so I get my fix from there.
    At the moment I'm reading the third book in a series from two German authors and it's brilliant. You can say it's a mix of detective/crime with tons of humour. The book is called "Tote Fische beißen nicht" (Dead fish don't bite) by Auerbach&Keller. Only available in German unfortunately.
  10. I'm also a huge reader. I read about 2-3 books a week so that keeps me busy. I've actually only reread the series one time because I just can't find the time to fit rereads in of any books. There are just so many wonderful stories and books out there to read that I can't bear not reading them!

    Maybe I'm not as hardcore of a fan as others and while I LOVE the Outlander series and it's probably my favorite series next to Haryy Potter I don't let it consume my life like it seems to with other people. Don't get me wrong - if that's your thing, that's great.

    I just don't have that kind of personality I guess and there are too many other great books out there to occupy my time to obsess about Outlander until the next book. I do check into all the sites daily for a minute or two but that's about as far as it goes.
  11. i agree with some of the above commenters ~ i don't read the excerpts but would rather wait for the whole thing. When i am just dieing for a Jamie & Claire fix i listen to the audiobooks. i just love the way that Davina Porter portrays the characters! i am at the point that just reading them doesn't quite do it for me; i want to hear that rolling Scots burr!
  12. Dear Karen, While waiting for MOBY, I read Diana's daily lines, all the comments, your blog-FFF-and everything you're so kind to tell us.Just finished SP, loved the book so much, Brotherhood of the Blade too.I'm going to have another go at the O.series.We'll be going to Greece soon for summertime, I'm looking forward to re-reading DIA,book I left at my house there last year.I'll be reading other books as well such as Peter James'crime novels(Roy Grace series)and I'll take with me a J.Donnelly's book "The tea rose" and some others.So many books! Shall I have time to go for swimming, to meet relatives and friends ?? Karen, I wish you a wonderful trip to Scotland, lucky you, and will be looking forward to reading about it in the future.All the best, take care.
  13. Having only listened to the series, I'm now thoroughly enjoying reading it. There is much to be said about losing yourself in the beautiful words.

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