Thank you, Diana Gabaldon!!

What a wonderful surprise I found at the very end of the new e-book edition of Diana Gabaldon's "The Custom of the Army"!

Click on the picture to see a bigger view.  It reads, "This story is for Karen Henry, Aedile Curule, and Chief Bumblebee-Herder."

WOW!! Just...WOW!

I am just thrilled, to put it mildly, as you can imagine. And have not stopped smiling since I saw this earlier this evening.

THANK YOU, Diana!!

(In case you're wondering, both of those titles refer to my role as volunteer Section Leader in Diana Gabaldon's folder on the Compuserve Books and Writers Community, a position I've held since 2008.)


  1. I was pretty excited that she responded to my tweet over the weekend so I can only imagine how you feel. Congratulations!!
  2. Congratulations, what a thrill and honor! Very much deserved.
  3. That's lovely Karen. :)
  4. @My3 - Thanks! It's a thrill to get a reply back from her, especially the first few times. :-)

    @Cristina - Thanks! It certainly is an honor, and one I wasn't expecting at all!

    @Nenya - Thank you!

  5. Karen
    Well deserved! Reading your posts add to my enjoyment of the series. And that's saying something as I have read them a few times and also listened to all on audiobook. Love Lord John, too!
  6. A wonderful surprise indeed!! Congrats Karen.A good day to you (it'll be good for sure!)
  7. Congratulations Karen! I love reading your outlandish observations and you have some amazing pins in Pinerest! Thank you.
  8. @Catherine - thanks! I'm really glad to hear that. :-)

    @Christiane - thank you, it was a very good day!

    @LC - thanks! Glad you like my Pinterest boards, too. :-)


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