What Jamie Fraser looks like?

For those of you who don't follow the discussions on Compuserve, here's something I think you'll enjoy:  Silvia's latest portrait of Jamie!

Click on the picture to see a bigger version. I think this is a terrific picture, and so does Diana Gabaldon. Here's Diana's reaction, on Compuserve a few days ago:
Dear Silvia--

YES! Muscular, but _lean_ muscular. And a great face, too. <g>

[Edited to add that you are a Certified Genius. <g>]

That's high praise indeed, coming from Diana. I think Silvia has gotten closer to the image of Jamie that Diana sees in her head than many other fans. Thanks very much to Silvia for sharing this with all of us!

To see more of Silvia's artwork, look here.


  1. OH, YES, YES, YES!!! A good portion of the men picked out on Diana's facebook page are all bulked up and that's not in any way how I see Jamie in my minds eye. This is as close as I've ever seen. Now all that has to be done is find a human man that looks like this with red hair about 6'4"!!!!
  2. YUMMY!! Now all that picture needs is his hair to be loose.
  3. He must be really handsome and sexy for so many men and women to be attracted to him.
  4. What can I say ? PERFECT !!! Thanks Karen for sharing.
  5. Ahhhhhh........
  6. Now what I'd LIKE to see is an age progression to where we are now in the story.
  7. I picture him a bit more rugged. Also, he's 24 in the first 2 books (that's as far as I've gotten) but in the 18c. 24 would look much different that it does today. This drawing looks like a contemporary 24 year old. Maybe just mess his hair up a bit or give him a bit more worldliness to his face. This doesn't look like a guy who has been in battles, hungry, whipped to an inch of his life and tortured.
  8. Great job, very close to how 'see' him! I do imagine the shoulders broader, but him no bulker.

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