Who is your favorite villain in the OUTLANDER series?

The topic for the March poll is, "Who is your favorite villain in the OUTLANDER series?"

What do I mean by "favorite" villain? That's really a matter of interpretation. It could be the person you most love to hate, or one who grabs your attention from the moment he or she comes into a scene. That's totally up to you. It certainly doesn't mean you have to like their either personality or their actions.

I tried to list most of the major antagonists, but if I've left out one of your favorites, just vote "Other", and you can add his or her name to the list.

This poll will run through the end of March. Have fun! <g> And if you want to explain your choice, feel free to leave a comment here.


  1. I actually choose Malva. I was OUTRAGED with her. When I read Snow for the first time I remember frothing at the month.

    I remember being mad at Gelilis and spitting mad at Loghaire and quite disgusted at Black Jack but it was Malva that seriously outraged me.
  2. Michelle - thanks for mentioning Malva! I can't believe I forgot about her. I've added her to the list and moved your vote out of the "Other" category.

    If anyone else wants to see a name added to the list, let me know.


    I like Arch Bug because he was like a member of the family. He was trustworthy, had integrity. He swore an Oath to Jamie & abided by it. He cared & protected for Jamie, Claire & co right up until Jamie released him from that oath...

    ~ Jen Townsend @ OutlanderFan.com/Outlander Fan on facebook
  4. I understand your outrage over Malva, but I feel like she was messed up from years of abuse at the hands of her brother :(
  5. My choice, and it was between Arch Bug and Jack Randall, was made because all of the rest of the folks listed here seem to sort of be products of their circumstances. Randall is just plain mean!!!
  6. Hi Karen, I think you should consider changing the question to "who is the biggest villain" -- not "favorite". When I think of a favorite villain, I'd think of someone I love to hate -- more of a rascal than someone despicable. BJR is a terrible human being. Stephen Bonnet caused untold suffering for so many people. But I can't say that any are my favorite villain, because that would imply that I actually like them... Just my humble opinion, for what it's worth. (And I agree that Malva is deserving of a place on the list of villains, despite the abuse that caused her to be the way she was).
  7. Oh, Malva was the first one who came to mind, believe it or not. Probably b/c I just started a re-read of ABOSAA, duh :) But Geillis Duncan was so crafty, manipulating, scheming, she beat JBR for me.
  8. @Lisa - I said in the announcement above that it's up to you how you define "favorite" villain, and if you'd rather think of the question as "Who is the BIGGEST villain", and answer it that way, that's fine with me. I can certainly understand not wanting to think of any of these people as a "favorite", but I think I'm going to stick with that wording.

  9. I would have to agree with Alison K, what Malva did was wrong of course, but I have a hard time getting angry at someone who is being molested (and impregnated!) by her own brother.
  10. I will go with BJR because he's so incredible evil and it's so complicated with the connections between him and Jamie and him and Claire. He really sets a lot of the plot (and defines part of Jamie and Claires relationship).
  11. This is an excellent list of choices. All of them have a special feature that makes then incredibly powerful. I voted for Neil Forbes as I'm re-reading The Fiery Cross and A Breath of Snow and Ashes -he turns out to be a treacherous, warped minded evil man...DG always provides us with splendid villains, reaching the top (imho) with the ones featured in The Scottish Prisoner

    Thanks for the polls, I enjoy them very much
  12. I had to pick Malva because I SO wanted her to be Claire's protege. And she was so deliberate in betraying Jamie and Claire. I know there were "extenuating circumstances", but she had free choice in a lot of what she did.
  13. Geneva Dunsany
  14. I really think that Black Jack Randall, Stephen Bonnet, and William Buccleigh are almost the same *kind* of villian that I totally love to hate because they WON'T EVER GO AWAY! They just cause pain and stick around. I don't like the things that other characters are put throught because of them and feel the pain right along as I read.
  15. Dougal, hands down. Even named a dog after him.
  16. I'm going for Stephen Bonnet, I hated a lot Randall too, but the hate for Bonnet it's more fresh. I think the two of them are the meanest villain, though I love to hate them, because they are so perfect in their being evil. What I love in DG's characters is that they are complete, three dimensional, so even if we see the worst part of them, she make us see the human being too, and show us the process that brought them where they are. They are the real bad guys, because one just love other people to suffer, the other just doesn't care, as long as he gets what he wants, and the things he wants are usually not very "ethical". At the third place for me would be Geillis. Malva Christie is too complicated to be defined a "villain", in my opinion, because until the end I could not find a pattern or even a sense in the way she acted, she tried to kill Claire, but then she was going to confess because she realized she had hurt her with the story of the cheating, and even the other characters in the story don't seem to have a coherent idea about her. Okay, long comment. I'm stopping now. Thanks always Karen.
  17. Mari - you're absolutely right that Diana's characters are three-dimensional. There are shades of gray in all of them (even Jack Randall isn't 100% evil), and that's what makes them seem like real people.

    Thanks for voting!

  18. Both Jamie and Claire instilled so much trust in them... but the lure of Gold won them over in the end... Total betrayal ... equals ...total villains in my book.
  19. Has the results been announced yet of who on the title of Villain? If so I am new to this and can't find it? Thank you for any help!
  20. Kara - look here for the results of the poll.


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