"Virgins" is done!

Diana Gabaldon announced this morning that she's finished writing "Virgins", the story about Jamie and Ian as young mercenaries that will be published in the DANGEROUS WOMEN anthology.

When I asked on Compuserve how long the story is, Diana said, "Came in at 27,523 words, all told--so it's a novella, rather than a short story (surprise, surprise...)."

I think that's about the same length as "Lord John and the Succubus", but I could be wrong.

We still have no information about a possible publication date for the anthology, but I'll post here as soon as I find out anything. Diana keeps saying that she thinks it will be out this fall, but that's not definite yet.

Congratulations, Diana! <g>

(And yes, in case you're wondering, now that "Virgins" is done, Diana says she will go back to focusing "full-time" on WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD.)


  1. "VIRGINS" is finished!Great!Now we have to wait until fall...never mind, good things are worth waiting for!! CK
  2. It's almost winter now and no news on the Anthology. Have I missed something? Any news?
  3. The anthology, DANGEROUS WOMEN, that will contain Diana's "Virgins" story still does not have a release date. I hope we'll see it sometime in 2013.


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