February poll results

Here are the results of the February poll:
What did you think of THE SCOTTISH PRISONER?
- 40.55% - I loved it! (Option 1)
- 14.44% - I enjoyed seeing half the story from Jamie's point of view. (Option 3)
- 11.98% - It was interesting to see how Jamie and Lord John finally became friends. (Option 8)
- 9.52% - I haven't read it yet, but I'm planning to. (Option 5)
- 8.29% - I liked it but I wish it had been longer. (Option 2)
- 3.23% - I was disappointed that it wasn't Book 8. (Option 7)
- 2.61% - I'm still reading it. (Option 10)
- 2.15% - I liked it better than I thought I would. (Option 9)
- 2.00% - I'm not interested in reading about Lord John. (Option 6)
- 1.38% - I didn't like it. (Option 4)
- 3.84% - Other.
I didn't vote in the poll myself, but I would have gone with "I loved it!" If you haven't seen my detailed review of THE SCOTTISH PRISONER, look here. (Warning, that post contains spoilers!)
Several people asked me to post the results from the Other category. There were 25 in all. Please note: where specific numbers are referenced in these comments, they are talking about the options in the order they were listed on the poll.
- 1,2 & 8. Have read it several times
- I loved it, very big piece of the puzzle came together
- I loved it but wanted to add that it was the best of the LJ series
- I liked it but thought the plot line not strong enough to hold my attention
- I loved it! AND enjoyed seeing half the story from Jamie's POV.
- a combination of #1 and #8
- I loved it but wished it had gone on to John's Marriage to Isobel
- I loved the book and I particulary enjoyed the parts with Jamie and William
- I can't just pick one.
- More Lord John, less Jamie please. I realize I'm probably on my own here, lol.
- I've started it just can't get into it. I'll try again.
- loved it, loved seeing jamie with wee william, very heart warming.
- Somewhat disjointed and incomplete. Needs a more complete ending.
- wished for more info about Lord John marrying and adopting Willie
- I bought the book and the CDs. How AWESOME to hear the accented voices!
- I have been trying to listen to it, I need to read it first I think.
- I love Lord John, but haven't read the LJG books & want to read them order
- It was okay but I have a problem with Lord Johns choices.
- I dont like the espionage stuff..love Lord John and Jamie
- I enjoyed rounding out more of their stories, and Minnie and Hal!
- due at library so did not finsih and did not like enough to buy
- loved spending time w/ JF & LJG, but doesn't work well as a novel
- It was great, but I miss Claire!
- I don't think it was necessary to start the story like it was. #3
- impatiently waiting for the german translation, appearing in june 2012!
Thanks again, and I hope you'll take a moment to vote in the March poll.