Diana and my Friday Fun Facts

I was delighted to see the following tweet from Diana Gabaldon yesterday:

I'm really glad that she's enjoying the Friday Fun Facts, and it's very gratifying to know that she takes the time to read my blog posts. (Some of them, anyway. I sincerely doubt that she has the time or the desire to read everything I post here, and that's probably a good thing.)

Considering the overwhelmingly positive response to the FFF so far -- not just from Diana, but also from many of you who've posted on Facebook or Twitter or commented here on my blog -- I wanted to assure everybody that I won't stop posting these Friday Fun Facts, as long as I can think of new little bits of trivia to post each week. I've been doing these FFF blog posts for eight weeks now, and I'm not in danger of running out of new material any time soon! <g>

If any of you have ideas or suggestions for things you'd like to see included in a future FFF post, please let me know. You can email me if you don't want to post your suggestion in public. Thanks!

To see all of the previous Friday Fun Facts posts, look here.


  1. Karen, what about Monday's Musings, and Tuesday's Tipsy Tinkerings, or Wednesday's Willing Wanderings?? Ha ha, we are all just hanging out for as much as we can get. I, too, appreciate your compilations.
  2. LOL! Thanks, that made me laugh.

  3. Yes Karen, yr FFF are great ! keep up the good work. I learn so many things and I'm so happy to have discovered yr blog and all the tips you give us. Thanks.Take care.

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.