Diana's public appearances in 2012

Wondering about Diana Gabaldon's schedule of public appearances in 2012? Diana hasn't yet had time to update the Appearances page on her web site, but she posted the following on Compuserve yesterday, and I thought I'd pass it along in case any of you want to start making plans.
Well...very few, to be honest. I'm trying extremely hard to stay home and write. <g> Next thing up is the Vilnius Book Fair, Feb. 23-26th in Lithuania, then the Tucson Book Festival, March 10-11--and a quick appearance at the Arizona Rennaissance Faire on March 17th (that's held in Apache Junction, AZ). And I'm doing a talk (with signing) at a Celtic Tea in Flagstaff, for the Northern Arizona Celtic Heritage Society (I keep trying to get them to change their name from "Society" to "Organization," so I can refer to them as the NACHOs, but so far, they've resisted)--that's March 31st.

Might go to New York at the end of April for the Edgar Awards banquet, but there's no public appearance connected with that. _Might_ do ThrillerFest during the summer, but not yet committed--and don't know exactly when it is, for that matter.

Younger Daughter is getting married in August--in Scotland--so there _might_ be something minor in the UK. I know I'm planting a tree given in my honor by the Ladies of Lallybroch, on the grounds of Castle Leod, the Earl of Cromartie having kindly invited me and my husband to stay with him for a couple of days <g>, but no idea when that'll happen.

_Might_ make it to the Historical Novelists Society conference in London at the end of September, but only if I can inveigle my husband into going to Italy for fun <g>, in which case we could stop over in London on the way.

I _will_ be at the Surrey International Writers Conference, in British Columbia, October 19-21. And I think that's about it!
I'm a little disappointed that she doesn't have a trip to NC planned this year, so it's unlikely I'll get to see her in 2012, but on the other hand:
  • She wants to stay home as much as possible this year to concentrate on writing WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD (aka MOHB, MOBY, or Book 8), and I'm all in favor of that! <g>

  • My job as Section Leader of the Diana Gabaldon folder on Compuserve is much easier when Diana is around. So this means less pressure for me on the forum in 2012, and I'm happy about that.
Please note, all of the information listed above is subject to change. Keep an eye on Diana's blog and the Appearances page of her web site for the most current information about her public appearances.

Also note Diana's comment about her daughter Jennifer getting married in August in Scotland (and yes, her fiance, Iain, is Scottish!) There's more about that on Compuserve here, if you're interested.

Please pass this information on to anyone else you know who might be interested. Thanks!


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