"The Space Between" is done!

Diana Gabaldon announced on Facebook today that her latest story, a novella called "The Space Between", is completed! I'm delighted to hear this. Diana has been working on this story for a long time, and it's good to know that it's finally done.

For those of you who aren't familiar with it, "The Space Between" is a story about Young Ian's brother Michael and Marsali's sister Joan (both characters we met for the first time in AN ECHO IN THE BONE), as well as the Comte St. Germain, Mother Hildegard, and doubtless a number of other interesting characters that we haven't encountered before. <g>

Diana says "The Space Between" is about 37,000 words.  Just by way of comparison, "The Custom of the Army" was about 30,000 words, so this story looks to be significantly longer than that. (Naturally, I think that's a good thing. <g>)

Here is what Diana had to say on Facebook today about this story:
"The Space Between" is commissioned for an anthology--the anthology is titled THE MAD SCIENTIST'S GUIDE TO WORLD DOMINATION, edited by John Joseph Adams. I don't think the anthology has a pub date scheduled as yet, but Mr. Adams tells me the book will be around 150,000 words (I expressed the hope that he'd still have room for a few other stories _besides_ TSB <cough>). My guess is that you'll get the book sometime in 2012, though--I hope so!
I will certainly post here as soon as I hear anything more definite about a publication date for the anthology. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, you can go here for discussion of the story (including excerpts) on Compuserve.

I would expect that with "The Space Between" completed, WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD (Book 8 of the OUTLANDER series) will move back up into the #1 spot on Diana's work pile, and probably stay there through the end of 2012.


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