SCOTTISH PRISONER on the NYT Bestseller List!

I just saw this announcement on Diana Gabaldon's Facebook page:

THANK YOU! Thanks to all of you who've bought and been enjoying THE SCOTTISH PRISONER, I've just been told that the book debuts at #8 on the New York Times Bestseller List!!!

Moran Taing! (that's Gaelic for "Thank You"!)
When I commented on this on Compuserve, Diana said,
I'm delighted, and the publishing people are beside themselves. <g> They also told me that the first print run has sold out and the book's already gone back to press. Also excellent news!
This is fantastic news!! Congratulations to Diana, I think it's well-deserved, and I'm thrilled for her that the book is doing so well! <vbg>

If you want to offer your congratulations to Diana, you can post on Compuserve, or on Facebook here.

UPDATE 12/9/2011 3:00 pm:  See Diana's latest blog post for her reaction, plus information on ordering autographed copies of SP in time for Christmas.


  1. My second reading starts today!
  2. My second reading starts today!
  3. I was at Powell's Books this last weekend and they were totally sold out of The Scottish Prisoner! I asked the lady when they would be getting more in....and she didn't know, but that it was going out as soon as it was coming in. I looked for it at a smaller store in my hometown and it too was sold out....I need to read the other Lord John books so I can be caught up first though...Im hosting the Outlander Reading Challenge again this year and I'm thinking about having it include the Lord John books as well. I see that The Scottish Prisoner also has a little preview for the next Outlander book....I am DYING for the next one to come out! :) Cheers!

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