Update to Diana Gabaldon web site

It looks like Diana Gabaldon's official web site has been tidied up a bit in preparation for the release of THE SCOTTISH PRISONER on November 29.

Changes include:

- The WRITING section links have been updated to give WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD and SCOTTISH PRISONER their correct titles. <g> (I was really glad to see this. It's long overdue, in my opinion.)

- The SCOTTISH PRISONER page has been updated to include all the latest information, including details about the launch party on the 29th (see Diana's blog here if you'll be in the Phoenix, AZ, area that day and you'd like to attend), and a link to the new book trailer video that was just released by Random House.

Take a few minutes to explore the site, if you haven't done so recently. There's a lot of useful information there.

(Oh, and speaking of useful information....I've updated my SCOTTISH PRISONER FAQ page again.)


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