October poll results

Here are the results of the October poll:

How do you feel about the idea of an OUTLANDER movie or miniseries?
  • 36.89% - A miniseries would be better than a movie.
  • 18.06% - Very excited! I can't wait!
  • 14.95% - I'm worried that they will butcher the story or the characters.
  • 6.99% - Skeptical, but if a movie is made, I'll probably go see it anyway.
  • 6.21% - Cautiously optimistic.
  • 4.66% - Not sure yet. It depends on who they pick to play Jamie and Claire.
  • 4.47% - It's a terrible idea. How can a movie possibly be as good as the book(s)?
  • 2.72% - Disappointed that Diana Gabaldon is not going to be writing the script.
  • 1.36% - I'm not interested in a movie.
  • 3.69% - Other.
There were 515 responses to this poll, which is a lot by my standards. <g> Thanks so much to everyone who participated!

As usual, I didn't vote in this poll, but I count myself among those who are worried that the movie-makers will butcher the story or the characters. I much prefer the images in my head and the story as Diana Gabaldon tells it, and I wouldn't be upset if a movie never actually gets made.

The November poll is about THE SCOTTISH PRISONER.Four weeks and counting! Please take a moment to vote. Thanks!


  1. I didn't vote in this poll as I'm a new reader of your blog. But I have to say that I agree wholeheartedly with you about the idea of a movie. I'm perfectly satisfied with the images in my head... after almost 18 years with them, I'd rather they remained untouched.

    I did vote in the new poll. I am eagerly awaiting the release of THE SCOTTISH PRISONER. The 29th can't get here soon enough!

    And I love your site! I've already discovered new things. Thanks!

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